News from 24th of May 2002 to 10th July 2003. Thursday 10th July, 2003
It's official, Ransom Arceihn, Spineless-mush, Chapstick and myself suck. Paul (daSmirnov) - 23%Ummm erm for the results that I didn't tamper with: Paul (daSmirnov) - 14%For results that I'm going to make up: Paul (daSmirnov) - 25%Or even better still: Paul (daSmirnov) - 100%w000t I win again! I just love my twisted fantasy worlds! :) Also gotta new poll up 'What do you think of the D3 Portal?'. Saturday 21st June, 2003
We've got two new polls up and running. Thanks to Ransom Arceihn for first one, thanks to myself for the second one. So we've got 'Are you going to upgrade for DOOM?' and 'Who rocks more?' featuring various people from the forums. Have fun voting. Thursday 19th June, 2003
Nik Petsev's (aka Spineless-mush) latest article is now up for all to enjoy, here's a quick snip: "While gamers were still sticking their noses into their newly opened Q3 boxes that still had that new-game smell, John Carmack had already begun working on his next game engine. This engine evolved into what became Doom III, a sequel… no, not a sequel… not a remake… certainly not a rehash… Ok, let’s put it this way: a game that, among other things, brought back the anticipation and popularity of the original, as well as the feeling of loneliness and a dozen or so hell-spawned beasts. And of course, Mr. BFG, and we’re not talking about a certain Raul Dahl book here, either. Nope, we mean Big Freakin’ Gun! Note: the F is interchangeable, from the ‘Friendly’ to the, well, you know what I mean…" Discuss this article in our forums. Tuesday 17th June, 2003
Well I don't know about you but I have no idea what the new poll should include, if you've got any ideas send an e-mail off to me. Also we could do with a news poster and a moderator for the forums. Wanna help out? Erm you'll get um a umm cool and unique rank for the forum and, I suppose I can throw in a *mega-cool* @doom3portal.net e-mail address! ;) Once again e-mail me if you're interested! Wednesday 14th May, 2003
I think it's about time we take the old poll down. Here's how things went: Are you going to be getting DOOM III on PC or Xbox? HHmmmm looks like the PC version won! What a surprise! ;)
Gamespot have posted up a new trailer that id displayed today at E3, just under 3 minutes long, contains some footage that wasn't in the one that Microsoft showed yesterday. The footage is available here. Although to save some of you having to sign up at Gamespot, the video is also mirrored at Doupe.cz. Discuss this article in our forums.
Just managed to shove Nik Petsev's fairly new article up going to things like the DOOM movie and what not. A Doom movie has been peeking around corners and flexing its brown claws for quite some time, not long after the original game hit shelves louder than an exploding slime-barrel. The Doom game, for all those people who have been living in caves and drawing mammoths on walls in the last decade, is one of the greatest computer creations of all time and the first truly dynamic first-person shooter game. In 1992, John Carmack began programming a computer game so good, that he would later deserve to have a street named after him. Alongside him, worked a small but talented team of modellers, designers, programmers, et cetera. After lots of hard labour and some minor quarrels, the tiny disk was distributed. The year was 1993.Also I think it's important to take note that: *Note: This article is 87% speculation, 10% comments on personality types that annoy me, and 3% factual information. Discuss this article in our forums. Tuesday 13th May, 2003
![]() ![]() Click for the higher resolution image. Discuss this article in our forums.
IGN have posted up their DOOM III trailer here as it is for 'insiders' it's probably out of reach for many of you but where there's a will there's a way (see below). This is the trailer that Microsoft displayed at their press conference (as part of their Xbox lineup at E3), id will also (so I'm told) show one tomorrow (Wed 14th), if it will be the same remains to be seen. There is a *free* one available here although the quality is much worse but it's better then nothing. ;) Discuss this article in our forums.
Gamers.com have posted a preview up of DOOM III on the Xbox here's a snip: We kid, of course, when it comes to the reckoning of the Xbox's hardware potential. It would be hard to deny such after seeing this demo. The Xbox trailer featured equal or better graphics compared to what we've seen from the PC version recently, with near-perfect modeling and lighting from its grisly monsters and run-down underground environments, and more importantly, it showed far more different areas, creatures, and gameplay scenes than we've spotted in the promotion of the PC version so far. Check the full article out here. Discuss this article in our forums.
For all those who are constantly trying to guess at what point in time would be best to upgrade your hardware for DOOM III. Anandtech in there preview of the NV35 (new nVidia chip) have got some DOOM III benchmarks. Here's the preview and the start of the DOOM III benchmark section. Discuss this article in our forums. Thursday 1st May, 2003
May Day - OUR day. A day of international working class solidarity, a symbol of struggle against the ruling class of capitalists. May Day greetings to all the exploited masses of the world! Workers of the world, unite! Sunday 6th April, 2003
Over at HomeLan Fed they posted up a little note pointing out that Wired (the magazine) had a little peice up on DOOM III. "The latest issue of the Wired print magazine has a new article on the development of Doom III, id Software's upcoming and latest game in their celebrated first person shooter series. Among the more interesting tidbits in the article: Microsoft is offering lots of money to id to make an exclusive Doom III Xbox port (id hasn't decided yet if they will do so) and in addition to the already announced multiplayer add-on there will also be a single player mission pack for Doom III. There is also the possiblity of a program that could generate unique Doom III levels on the fly, according to the article. The article also contains a number of new screenshots from the game." Discuss this article in our forums. Wednesday 29th January, 2003
Yup we've just made Nik Petsev's DOOM article available, if you would just care to click on DOOM articles down along the left hand side, or if you're too lazy to do that, go straight to the article. If you've got any comments about the article you can post them in our forums. Sunday 26th January, 2003
Spineless-Mush pointed out that over on doom3.dk they had posted up an article that IGN had on the topic of Activision's quarterly conference call. In which they stated DOOM III will ship in the 2004 fiscal year (ie April 2003 - March 2004). However I'm still confident DOOM III won't slip very far, it is true that id have a massive task still ahead of them, fingers crossed we'll have it before the summer. Of course the most accurate release date is always when's finished time will tell. Discuss this article in our forums.
Our resident DOOM obsessed demonic dude guy Nik aka Spineless-Mush has just finished up his latest article on the subject of (go on guess) DOOM (big surprise). Keep tuned for it's release. Friday 15th November, 2002
Had a couple of interesting things come to my attention (thanks Theory). Some of you might find it worth checking out so I thought I'd post the links up. First up accelenation.com have posted an article regarding general DOOM related goodness a bit of history and a bit of DOOM III. Might be worth reading the article. Secondly an article on OpenGL 2.0, with a few words from Carmack on the subject: "A GL2 driver won't give any theoretical advantage over the current back ends optimized for cards with 7+ texture capability, but future research work will almost certainly be moving away from the lower level coding practices, and if some new vendor pops up (say, Rendition back from the dead) with a next-gen card, I would strongly urge them to implement GL2 instead of proprietary extensions."Good read for some of our resident Tuesday 5th November, 2002
Carmack has made a post at slashdot regarding the leaked DOOM III demo. "No, this was not leaked on purpose.The whole thread can be found at slashdot. Discuss this article in our forums. Friday 1st November, 2002
Yes, to answer all the e-mails DOOM III appears to of been leaked, seems to be the little demo they showed at E3, same levels, same intro, the same thing. I will not be telling anyone where to download it. So don't bother asking, it's pretty much all over the net now anyway. Obviously downloading this kinda stuff is risky if you do find it, it's not uncommon for you to download something completely different and for it to be full of trojans, viruses and other nasty surprises, although nobody has complained about anything like that. :-) Discuss this article in our forums. Thursday 31st October, 2002
I think that old poll is starting to do my head in, pretty clear who's won. Results are as follows: Carmack vs Romero vs Spiderman vs Chez, who wins?Well looks like Carmack won that pretty easily, and poor Chez down in 3rd place, oh well better luck next time. But Spiderman second place, that's just shocking. I'm keeping the 'Are you going to be getting DOOM III on PC or Xbox?' poll up for now, mainly because I'm too lazy to think of a new one. But will be pretty interesting to see how this one works out anyway. Thursday 10th October, 2002
Just seen over at Gaming Invasion, that they've posted up an interview they've done with Tim Willits (lead designer for DOOM III). Here's a slice of what was said: "What is it like working with Carmack?For the rest of the interview head on over to Gaming Invasion. Discuss this article in our forums. Wednesday 9th October, 2002
Over the last few months as many of you are aware the talk of a DOOM film has been blowing around in the breeze. Yahoo! News have a little peice up on this: "Todd Hollenshead, CEO of the Mesquite, Texas-based id, said his company "really scrutinized the potential partners" who were interested in the project as there had been several failed attempts to bring the project to the big screen in the past. With the third installment of the game due out next year, the company didn't want to "swing and miss."Now could this be a good thing? Are we going to see Hollywood get involved in something they know nothing about, I sure hope id don't sign away full power and hope id have the complete say in what goes in and what doesn't go in the film, the last thing we want to see is the whole idea of DOOM completely spun around and ruined. Discuss this article in our forums. Monday 7th October, 2002
OK just added a new poll (I'll keep the old one up for a while longer). Anyway this time we're asking what platform you're going to be getting DOOM III for PC, or Xbox (or even both), pretty simply eh? Tuesday 20th August, 2002
A few sites have posted up some articles from what they gathered at this year's QuakeCon. Worth checking out. Telefragged have a preview up of the demo that was being shown. HomeLan Fed had a talk with some of the id guys. GameSpy's coverage. Tom's Hardware Guide have an interview with Tim Willits and details on Carmack's usual long and highly technical talks (what we like to hear) and lots of other bits and pieces. Monday 19th August, 2002
Well as most of you have been thinking it's been about time we shoved a new poll up. Anyway here are the results for the last one: What do you think of what you've seen of DOOM III?Anyway for our new poll we've got JC, JR, Spiderman and Chez fighting it out (we really couldn't think of a better idea for the new poll), so you'll just have to make do with that one. Sunday 18th August, 2002
Just set a forum up. Might wanna check it out, (being the only user is kinda boring ;) You can find it here. I know I know it's suppose to be about DOOM, and having a white background and stuff isn't a good idea, the do colours need sorting out, I'll do that later. Getting it working properly on the server was the first thing on my mind. If you have any problems with it, give me a shout. Saturday 17th August, 2002
Yep that's right it's now offically going to be released for Microsoft's Xbox games console. John Carmack confirmed it yesterday at QuakeCon. Good news for all you Xbox owners. Tuesday 6th August, 2002
Well things are a bit quiet around here so I'd just make sure you guys know we're not dead, or been possessed by some demonic zombie dude. Roll on the DOOM III test is all I can say. :) Wednesday 5th June, 2002
3D Action Planet has released a list of its top ten monsters they'd like to see and kill in Doom III... perhaps not too likely, but worth a laugh over at this page. Tuesday 4th June, 2002
The DailyTelefrag have posted up a preview of DOOM III for your viewing pleasure, here's a slice: "Monsters in DOOM III, as I already mentioned, stun with their awesome graphical appearance and smooth animations (which cannot be conveyed by static screenshots). However, there's always a room for complaint: can it be another Unreal, where enemies are scarce but trained specially to wage prolonged duels with player? "Of course not", - comments id's Mal Blackwell. "This is DOOM! We are not going to mimic Serious Sam where player is exposed to relentless attacks by hordes of identical enemies. Monsters will be more than adequate, sometimes they'll attack in tens, sometimes they poke around alone. We want player not to be aware of what's behind the next door, so that he would be up to storm the front every second of play. DOOM III is all about pressure and terror."Make sure to check out the full article.
Despite the fact that the release date for Doom III is still to be announced, and indeed little hint has been provided as to its state of completion (save the traditional Christmas release of id titles...), Doom III has been rapidly climbing many people's wanted lists. Recent polls suggest Doom III to be among the top five demanding games, in good company with top first-person shooter sequels Duke Nukem Forever, Half-Life 2 and DOOM powered Quake IV. Sunday 2nd June, 2002
The Poll we had up 'What do you think of our name DOOM III 'Portal' ?' is now finished and the results are as follows: It's okay - 57%You've probably noticed we've added 'The Gate of Hell' after it now, just to make things sound more interesting, of course if you've got any ideas for a really cool demonic name we'd love to hear them.
John Carmack has made a couple of posts over at Slashdot regarding video cards and Linux issues with DOOM III. Here's a snip: "The requirement for GF1/Radeon 7500 as an absolute minimum is fundamental to the way the technology works, and was non-negotiable for the advances that I wanted to make. At the very beginning of development, I worked a bit on elaborate schemes to try and get some level of compatibility with Voodoo / TNT / Rage128 class hardware, but it would have looked like crap, and I decided it wasn't worth it.Check out his first post and his second post. Thursday 30th May, 2002
Wired News has posted up a 20 minute long interview of the before mentioned individuals. It's in Real Media and Windows Media formats, unfortunately it's just streaming (how annoying). Check it out over at Wired.
It turns out that E3 demo was not running DOOM at the highest detail levels, John Carmack states in an email: "We actually screwed up at E3 -- we should have been running it at high quality settings (uncompressed textures, anisotropic filtering), but we were chasing some problems the first day, and it got set back to medium quality. The problems had gone away, so we left it that way, rather than risk changing it back."This thing gets even better! Saw this over at Shacknews. Wednesday 29th May, 2002
Well Rounded Entertainment have just thrown up their preview of DOOM III here's a slice: "It's the technological side that's drawing the most attention right now - and rightfully so. Doom III's graphics are as spectacular as the screenshots infer. Never in the history of PC gaming have we seen a game this cinematic in real-time. The graphics are so impressive, in fact, that id's having a hard time convincing people that they're real."Head on over to Well Rounded Entertainment for the rest of the preview. Tuesday 28th May, 2002
As you can probably guess by the subject, they've posted up part three of their chat with the guys from id Software, this time they've had a few words with Graeme Devine who worked on Q3A and Q3TA, and has written the sound and particle engine for DOOM. Some words with Tim Willits who's been working at id since the original DOOM days and who's now lead designer for DOOM III. Check out the full story at Gamespy. Monday 27th May, 2002
They've just posted up their second part of their chat they had with some of the guys from id Software, this time Fred Nilsson who also worked on Antz and Shrek. Aswell as Christian Antkow, who's been at id for years now and who's one of the main designers for DOOM and has been helping out Trent Reznor to get DOOM sounding great. Check out the full article over at Gamespy.
Gamespy have just shoved up part one of their little chat they had with some of the guys from id Software. This is a bit of what what Jan Paul van Waveren (wrote bots for Q1 and Q2 and was hired to write the bot AI for Q3A and is now working on DOOM's physics engine) had to say about the project: "You saw the demo, when we shoot at the box. The bullet is a polygonal model right now in the physics engine, so the exact intersection and object collision with the box is calculated. The bullet is, of course, high velocity, and then the info is transferred to the box and the box starts moving. It's the same thing with an enemy -- if you shoot him in the shoulder, he starts spinning or turning backwards, or you shoot him in the legs, he flips over. Based on where you hit him, it will be a different simulation each time."For part one of this article head over to Gamespy. Sunday 26th May, 2002
Just a quick welcome from the new newsboy to all the fans drooling in anticipation of id's latest offering to the FPS gods. Hope this site keeps growing in popularity to its official opening.
Gotta new vid in the movies section now. Shows the E3 demonstration, it is from a sneaked in video camera so quality isn't great but shows offs some great gameplay. Saturday 25th May, 2002
Gamespot have wacked up their impressions of what they saw at E3. For the rest of the goodies check out their full article. Here's a slice: "In the next scene, we got to see some of the other weapons from Doom, including an assault rifle and a high-powered shotgun. We were nearly as impressed by the sound of the demonstration as we were with the graphics--the atmospheric music, creepy sound effects, and roaring gunfire really helped bring the visuals to life. The hero's weapons seemed reasonably effective--until he came face-to-face with some of his more-dangerous foes. One was a monstrous-looking man armed with an enormous chaingun. It seemed ridiculous to fight him head-on, so the marine managed to lure him around a corner and took him out from behind. Another appeared to be a revision of the original Doom's pink demon. The front of this thing was almost wormlike and the back end was mechanical, and it rushed at the hero with violent force--it was really frightening. Another monster we saw was a zombie soldier with a vicious tentacle where one of his arms used to be."Loads of postive views about this game coming from everyone who's seen it. Can't wait to get my hands on this!
Gamespy have just posted up their first impressions of DOOM, here's a bit: "Tim started by loading up the first sequence of actual gameplay from the demo -- if you've seen it, it's the area where your character first runs into a group of zombies after everything in the UAC installation has (quite literally) gone to hell. To start, Tim showed off the astounding physics and collision detection of the engine by shooting a box off a shelf, and then shooting it around the floor. No matter where he shot the box, it spun and moved just the way you'd expect it to in real life."Head over to Gamespy for the rest of the article. Friday 24th May, 2002
Gamers.com did an interview with John Carmack at the start of E3. "Doom III is pushing the fear factor over the raw action. As you make the worlds more and more believable, you are forced to tone down the "superhero" aspects of the game. I still think that a good game can be built around "toon time" action, but that isn't what Doom III is going to be about. The monsters are going to be much more independently fearsome, rather than just acting as moving gun turrets."Head over to gamers.com for the rest of the interview.
Gamespy had a few words with JC about his work on DOOM engine and a few other bits like graphics cards. Here's a sample: "The process of building the new engine went much more smoothly than anything we have done before, because I was able to do all the groundwork while the rest of the company worked on TeamArena. By the time they were ready to work on it, things were basically functional. I did most of the early development work with a gutted version of Quake 3, which let me write a brand new renderer without having to rewrite file access code, console code, and all the other subsystems that make up a game. After the renderer was functional and the other programmers came off of TA and Wolf, the rest of the codebase got rewritten. Especially after our move to C++, there is very little code remaining from the Q3 codebase at this point."Head on over to Gamespy for the rest of the goodies. |
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