All the important characters in DOOM 3.
This is the lucky bugger has to clean the
mess up! |
Dr. Malcolm Betruger, lead scientist of the UAC base, is what made the
teleportation technology come alive and at no cost will stop to achieve what he wishes. |
Counsellor Elliot Swann, sent by the UAC board directors, was sent to the UAC base to find out the reason
for such odd and suspicious happenings on the Mars base, such as the recent amount of missing civilians and staff that were freaked out and requested transfers off Mars. He, with his body guard,
consult Dr. Betruger on the happenings in the lab. |
Jack Campbell is Counsellor Swan's body guard, an ex-marine completely hardened for combat and regardless of the situation will move into combat, melee or with weapons.
When things get out of control, his handy like BFG 9000 comes into action. |
Sergeant Kelly is the commanding officer of Mars base, known as veteran of the UAC Marine Corporation forces.
He'll be counting on you throughout the game to straighten things out, and he won't give up anything without a fight of course. |