Your fists.
Just like a real life, you can punch people,
zombies, demons etc. |
Yes you can use it to see in the dark, and you
can also bash people, zombies, demons etc with it. |
Nice melee weapon... err I mean tool to cut
down trees. |
Your basic sidearm, can hold 12 rounds. |
It's a shotgun, 5 or 8 [to be confirmed] shells can be tucked away in
one. |
Machine gun.
Like a pistol, but is bigger and fires faster. Holds 60 rounds in the clip. |
Chain gun.
Like a machine gun, but only with multiple
barrels so you can fire even faster. |
Plasma gun.
Like a machine gun, but fires plasma I guess,
can hold 50 shots in the clip. |
For when you want a little more BOOM in your
Rocket launcher.
What game from id hasn't had one? Erm,
okay well Wolfy 3D, and Hovertank 3D and a few other really old ones, but
come on classic id weapon. Can do 5 shots without reloading. |
Soul cube.
This is a new weapon for DOOM 3. Basically after you've
killed 5 demons, the weapon is activated, you can then use it to instantly
kill a demon, it transfers the health from the creature you have just
slaughtered into you, so it's like a hospital - only a deadly hospital that
kills things too. |
BFG [Big err Freaken' Gun].
The mother of all weapons. |