Life After Doom
By: Nick P.
Now that Doom
3 has come and gone, you are probably saying to yourself, ‘Well, I better go
back to looking up swimsuit models on the net.’ Well, you can do as you wish,
but I will be the first to tell you, the Doom 3 experience is not over. To those
who did not enjoy Doom 3 or found it disappointing, get the hell away from my
face. And to those who enjoyed it and were saddened that it’s all over, I’ve got
some good news for you: the Doom 3 experience isn’t over yet. A few mere months
after Doom 3’s release came the news that work was already underway for an
expansion (well, OK, seriously, who didn’t see this coming?). If you thought you
had seen it all, you probably had. Until now, that is. So let’s take a peek at
the up-and-coming Doom 3 expansion, Resurrection of Evil, which promises more
weapons, baddies, environments. Oh, and it won’t screw up any relationships.
And then there’s the Doom 3 modding community, and the numerous mods, many of
which got started prior to Doom 3’s release thanks in large part to a certain,
erm, shall we say, leakage. We do not speak its name. Regardless, many fans,
finally with new (and legal) copies of Doom 3 endeavored in the Modding Odyssey.
So to those who felt that something was missing from the game, and to those who
put that copy of Doom 3 away, I say, stay tuned. This expansion may not be
revolutionary, but it’s good to kill a weekend or two, if necessary. I can’t say
that it’ll be worth the money it costs, but hopefully it won’t be too much,
because then it’ll definitely be worth it. We’ll be sure to tell you if it
sucks. But even then, don’t go away! For even if the expansion doesn’t wet your
whistle, you’ll surely find a mod that will.
The Second Coming
I suppose
there’s one question on everyone’s mind (I know, because it’s on my mind, too):
Will this expansion be worthwhile? Worth my money? Worth anything? Obviously, I
can’t tell you that, but I can tell you what we know so far (however little of
it there is). First of all, it’s being developed by Nerve Software. Whether
that’s good or bad news is left to the reader to decide, but it should be
interesting to have a game with a touch other than id’s. If that doesn’t get the
blood flowing, Quake IV is coming our way, alongside id’s next project (whatever
that may be). Oh yeah, and a Doom movie is being made that has nothing to do
with the game. But let’s not stray from the topic at hand: Life After Doom. At
least, not yet.
As far as the story goes, not much has been released, so we’ll have to wait and
see. What we do know is that it takes place right after Doom 3, and it’s likely
we might even see a bit of Earth (after all, shouldn’t this, by logic, be ‘Doom
3: Hell on Earth’?). What we do know is that you’ll find yourself fighting hell
and all the baddies it can dish out again. But I bet you already knew that.
What we can tell you is some of the new hellspawn to be featured in this game.
First up are the vulgars. A new addition to the ever-growing list of
human-sized, humanoid monstrosities (honestly guys, how about something more
interesting), these beasts are like imps on steroids. Does it look familiar? It
should; the vulgar model is a slightly reworked version of the original
arch-vile model that was shown. I’m happy that it wasn’t thrown out, though the
more I read, the more this expansion feels like a regurgitated bit from the
gaming industry’s meal. Back to the vulgars, we can say that they are faster and
can delve out big amounts of damage fast. Also, they are reported to do a lot
more wall-crawling. That sounds like good news. While imps were crawling all
over the walls and ceilings in the videos released prior to the game’s released,
I was a bit disappointed that the few rare times that happens, it was scripted.
Hopefully, this time it won’t be and we’ll have a genuinely interesting addition
to the gameplay factor.
One of the more interesting new monsters is the bruiser. Hell-knight sized, and
just as big of a cause for alarm, these beasts will make you think twice before
approaching a computer monitor. Why? Well, they’ve got one for a head and may
lay in disguise as a computer console until you approach them. Sound silly? It
won’t once one bursts from the wall and charges after you. No word on what kind
of weapons they may have attached to their arms, but you can be sure they’ll
pack a punch. I’m betting that, whatever they may be, they’ll be used mainly for
clubbing and melee damage, which makes it all that more frightening.
The next monster on the line-up should look familiar: the forgotten. If you
didn’t get nostalgia playing Doom 3, now you will, because the forgotten are
pretty much the lost souls from the original Doom. Don’t remember? Flying
flaming skulls with horns and a nasty bite. Bump-mapping does wonders to their
skull form, but you won’t have time to notice that, for chances are that these
buggers are gonna be pretty quick. I think it’s safe to assume they won’t have
any weapons (like coughing up fireballs), but you never know what game
developers will screw up next.
Rounding up the line-up we know so far are the hell-hunters, which are basically
hell-knights without legs that float around and, I’m guessing, throw fireballs.
I bet they use those claws, too. An interesting feature to these monsters is
their ability to warp time and slow everything down (something you’ll be able to
do too, but more on that later). That sounds great and all, but the fact that
this is just a reworked hell-knight makes the game feel only more like that
digested bit I was talking about earlier. Still, I’ll hold off on further
comment until I actually play the game.
As for me, I have some ideas of what I’d like to see in this
expansion, but I have no word on the subject. Doom 3 was all about tight
corridors, fear, and tension. And while I believe this expansion should still
retain these qualities and strain for some new ingredients to scare the players
shitless, I hope that they do not create a carbon copy of Doom 3. In all
honesty, judging from all the screenshots released thus far, that’s exactly what
it looks like. I do not want an expansion with more tight corridors. I guess
what I’m saying is, more variety in environments. Since I imagine that this
sequel would take the battle to Earth, this wouldn’t be too difficult. With Doom
2, id Software pioneered larger environments and more variety, and I’m hoping
this sequel to Doom 3 will do the same. You can still deliver shock and
pant-soiling fear, but still some larger outdoor environments and vehicles would
be nice. And whatever the naysayers might, well, say, the Doom 3 engine can
handle it. Quake IV, which is developed with this engine, promises these things,
so I see no reason why the expansion pack shouldn’t handle them.
Another thing I’d say to any people from the Nerve Software gang that might be
reading this (dream on) would be to bring back more of the old monsters. I’m
happy that they reworked the old Arch-vile design and worked it into the game,
but how about some Arachnatrons, Spider-Masterminds, and maybe even
pain-elementals? And barons of hell? Doom 3 went off on a bit of a tangent from
the Doom universe, and if this expansion goes off on a tangent from Doom 3,
well, next thing you know, you’ll be fighting colourful aliens on an alien
planet with laser guns and gravity weapons.