News for Sat, 05 Mar 2005 00:18:28 +0000
News for Fri, 04 Mar 2005 16:10:33 +0000
Preview: Gamebiz
And Mac World have up the first Mac benchmarks of the Mac DOOM 3 port, benchmarking a Dual G5 / 2.5 GBs of RAM / ATi Radeon X800 XT 256MB G-DDR 3 VRAM setup with the DOOM 3 Mac demo, check the final scores out.
And lastly, Fangoria have up an interview with Author Matthew Costello of id Software regarding the DOOM 3 story and how he contributed to it.
News for Wed, 02 Mar 2005 16:12:37 +0000
IGN have thrown together and posted up an interview with Matt Hooper of id Software regarding DOOM 3: Resurection of Evil, the upcoming DOOM 3 Xbox version, the DOOM movie, Quake 4, etc, here's a quick slice:
"GNPC: So was the expansion back motivated by continuing the story, or was it about content that you couldn't fit into the original game…?
Matt Hooper: There wasn't a whole lot of a conscious effort to say, 'Hey, we can't fit this in DooM 3, let's move it over to the expansion. There probably are a couple of things just by default that worked their way into the expansion because we thought it worked better. Like some of the weapons, for instance. DooM 3 has such a huge arsenal of weapons. It's like, everything ever created. There's, you know, a couple different machine guns, and there's plasma guns, there's projectile weapons, there's rocket launchers--there's just everything. There was no room to fit other things.
So when we started talking about the expansion, that's why we added things like the grabber weapon that throws back the enemies' projectiles, because we thought that was new and fresh, and we didn't want to just introduce some new machine gun, or something like that. There was a lot of clamoring for the double-barreled shotgun in DooM 3, so we had to add that back in there. But there wasn't this holding back of things that we didn't want to do in DooM 3. It was more just, 'Hey, let's do what's cool for the expansion.'"
News for Mon, 28 Feb 2005 23:33:13 +0000
News for Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:32:48 +0000
Here's a quick round-up:
New DOOM 3: Ressurection of Evil Previews:
Gamers Depot IGN
And the DOOM 3 Mac port has gone gold, and the Mac version is to ship on March 14th, 2005.
And lastly, Gamezone have an interview up with Matt Hooper of id Software regarding the upcoming DOOM 3: ROE expansion, etc, check it out.
News for Sat, 26 Feb 2005 18:37:04 +0000
First of all, over at Gamespy they have up their preview of the DOOM 3 Expansion Pack: Resurrection of Evil.
"Another new addition to the Resurrection of Evil arsenal is the strange alien artifact you find at the very beginning of the game. The "new" Doctor Betruger (now with 750% more evil!) sends three major "hunter" demons after you to retrieve the artifact, who you face individually at key moments. Each time you defeat a hunter, the artifact gains a new ability. The first confrontation happens pretty early in the game, and once you beat the boss, the artifact gains the ability to launch you into "Hell Time," where everything but you slows down." And there's a new interview with Todd Hollenshead covering the DOOM 3 expansion pack: Resurrection of Evil, some new DOOM movie details, and more, which you can find for free streaming over at Gamespot.
And finally, the DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil trailer has been released with new footage of monsters, weapons (such as the double-barrel shotgun), etc, it will not disapoint you. Check it out, make sure not to miss it! You can find it at Fileplanet here for now.
News for Thu, 24 Feb 2005 16:27:30 +0000
Yahoo! Games Domain have posted up their preview of the DOOM 3 Xbox version, here's a snoop:
"Even with 'thinner slices,' the game still looks and plays just like the PC original. The entire story is here with nothing ending up on the cutting room floor. In some aspects, playing the game on a console promises to deliver an even better experience thanks to the easy hook-up to a home theater system. A big screen TV and surround-sound system are the perfect equipment for this type of chilling action game." Don't forget to head on over to the whole preview for a complete read, as it's a decent one.
News for Tue, 22 Feb 2005 22:20:29 +0000
News for Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:24:05 +0000
Filefront have an interview up with Todd Hollenshead (CEO) of id Software regarding the DOOM 3 Xbox port, here's a snippet:
"The Xbox though is a system that stays the same, which made it a little more challenging to get everything we wanted to get in. We still took the time though to make sure that we had the cooperative campaign in, which is the first time that you can play Doom 3 in a co-op mode. All the other modes like deathmatch and team deathmatch are all included in the Xbox version that can be played either through system link or Xbox live." CGM (Computer Games Magazine) also have an interview up, but this time about the upcoming DOOM 3: Ressurection of Evil Expansion pack, with Matt Hooper and Marty Stratton of id Software, make sure to check it out.
And finally, Gamespy have their preview up of the DOOM 3 Xbox version, here's a snoop:
"Although the single player game is more or less the same as the PC version, there has been one major addition to the multiplayer side of things. Players now have the option of teaming up and battling Hell's minions via Xbox Live or system link, a feature that's extremely entertaining for a number of reasons. Unlike many games, you don't need to play through the single player portion of the title if you want to play cooperatively, you can simply hop on Live, find a partner, and choose the level that you want to play. While most of the single player levels made it into the co-op mode, nearly all of them have been reworked to make the experience more enjoyable for multiple players. The layout is a bit different, and monsters spawn in different areas, so it's almost like you're playing a new and original game."
News for Sat, 19 Feb 2005 18:19:01 +0000
Firstly, the following gaming sites have up new previews for the Xbox version of DOOM 3:
Gamespot Computer and Video games IGN Telefragged
Now, onto the two new videos, the first one is the TeamXbox.com hosted new DOOM 3 Xbox Vignette video featuring some snippets from Co-Op gameplay, which you can download here (weighs 33MB).
The second one is Gamespot with their new interview with Todd Hollenshead regarding Xbox version port of DOOM 3 which you can find for free streaming here. (it also mentions at the end some little hints and bits of Quake 4 coming to Xbox).
I must say, judging from all these previews, DOOM 3 on Xbox looks like it's shaping up fine! Stay tuned for more news.
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