News for Tue, 22 Mar 2005 21:22:08 +0000
As seen over at the official QuakeCon website:
MESQUITE, Texas – March 22, 2005 – In August 2005, QuakeCon, the largest video game festival and tournament in North America, will celebrate a decade of “peace, love, and rockets” with an event that promises video game fans the greatest four days of gaming and entertainment. The 10th Annual QuakeCon will once again draw thousands of people from around world to the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas, from Aug. 11-14, and is open to video game fans worldwide free of charge.
First-come, first-served online registration for QuakeCon 2005 will begin at 9 p.m. EST on Friday, April 15, 2005, at www.quakecon.org.
“QuakeCon’s 10th anniversary is a historic milestone and a time to celebrate the volunteers, fans, sponsors and games that have driven QuakeCon to become the largest event of its kind,” said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. “We’re going to have the party of a decade, and we want everyone to be there.”
QuakeCon 2005 will be a four-day, 96-hour bash with non-stop gaming, around-the-clock contests, exhibits, entertainment, giveaways, parties and white-knuckle tournament action. With a dedicated area for more than 3,200 BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) LAN gamers, and over 150,000 square feet of total convention space for tournaments, exhibits, conferences and entertainment, QuakeCon 2005 attendance is expected to top last year’s record of nearly 6,000 attendees.
QuakeCon Room Reservations:
To reserve a room, call the Gaylord Texan at 866-782-7897. To receive specially negotiated room rates of $119 for single or double occupancy and $129 for triple or quad occupancy, attendees should mention QuakeCon when making reservations. Additional information regarding the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center is available at http://www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylordtexan.
Sponsorship Information:
For sponsorship opportunities, e-mail sponsors@quakecon.org.
History of QuakeCon:
Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2005, QuakeCon has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Often described as the “Woodstock of Gaming,” QuakeCon was created in August of 1996 by a group of friends on the IRC network’s EFnet who had a desire to meet in person. Less than 100 attendees gathered at the Best Western in Garland, Texas that first year to play and talk games and compete in the first QuakeCon tournament. id Software’s lead programmer John Carmack and several other id team members stopped by to chat with fans about DOOM, QUAKE, and the future of an up-and-coming id Software.
Now 10 years older, QuakeCon remains true to its original purpose as an event created by gamers, for gamers. Although sponsored by id Software and other industry-leading software and hardware manufacturers, QuakeCon continues to be run by a dedicated group of 30 year-round volunteers and over 200 on-site volunteers. It expanded its participant base to nearly 6,000 attendees in 2004, and has grown to include QUAKE®, QUAKE II®, QUAKE III Arena®, QUAKE III: Team Arena™, Return to Castle Wolfenstein® and DOOM 3™.
About id Software:
id – Freud's primal part of the human psyche and one of the hottest game shops on Earth – has been rocking the gaming world from Mesquite, Texas, since 1991. As a leader in the industry, id Software forged such frenetic titles as Wolfenstein 3D®, DOOM®, DOOM II®, DOOM 3™, QUAKE® and QUAKE II®. With intense graphics and mind-blowing action, id Software’s games have helped define the modern video game, continually setting new industry standards for technology and gameplay. And, in keeping with tradition, id Software has amplified the world of adrenaline-pumping 3-D gaming with the release of action titles, QUAKE III Arena®, QUAKE III: Team Arena™ and the executive production of Return to Castle Wolfenstein®. The recently released DOOM 3™, the first interactive horror game built on id Software’s revolutionary new 3D graphics engine, draws gamers into the most frightening and gripping 3D gaming experience ever created. Check out more about id Software at www.idsoftware.com.
News for Tue, 22 Mar 2005 16:35:23 +0000
IGN had the chance to sit down with Paul Anderson, the one who's taking up the task of directing the official DOOM 3 Xbox commercial, (to launch on April 5th) and have a few words with him regarding the commercial.
"IGN: What is the commercial going to do that will make Xbox owners who may have played DOOM 3 on PC interested in the game again?
PA: It's a pet peeve of mine -- a pet hate -- when they do live-action [in a commercial] and then cut to the game, it never meshes with the live action. I thought it might be fun if I retrofit the live action so it really fit in with the gameplay. It's a first-person live action spot and has the same color palette as the game. We peppered the spot with references to the game. There are numerous iconographies I've taken from the game and hidden in the spot. Some are in your face and some are hidden in the background. I think it's just going to make it available to a much wider audience. Xbox is not quite the PC, but it's a very good platform."
News for Fri, 18 Mar 2005 16:23:33 +0000
Arstechnica have up an article up regarding the DOOM 3 Mac OS X port's poor performance, regardless of 4 months of intense optimization, even on the best dual 2 GHz CPU / ATi Radeon X800 256MB / 2.5GB of RAM featuring G5 system setup (meaning, in that case, average frame-rates that trail the Windows version's performance even when compared to budget PCs). Here's a bit:
"'The truth to Doom 3 OS X performance is that there isn't one magic low hanging fruit optimization that will fix it. Engineers at Aspyr/id/Apple/ATI/nvidia haven't 'overlooked' something, or just blown off an easy fix for some reason. We held the game for over 4 months purely for optimization, its not like it was rushed out for a certain date,' she wrote." For the rest of the insight and opinions on the matter give the complete article a read.
News for Fri, 18 Mar 2005 00:19:14 +0000
The Official Xbox Magazine has grasped a final build of the DOOM 3 Xbox version and have rated it an superb 9.2/10.0 (a perfectly respectable and reasonable score for the game), stating, "Doom 3 [on Xbox] is a well-crafted scarefest that looks great technically and artistically. The Hell levels are beautiful in their nightmarishness. Add in cool features like online play and the inclusion of older Doom games, and you've got a genuine horror masterpiece for the Xbox."
Stay tuned for a cover image.
News for Wed, 16 Mar 2005 23:53:57 +0000
News for Wed, 16 Mar 2005 00:16:13 +0000
First, Yahoo! Games Domain have written up and posted their preview of the DOOM 3 expansion: Resurection of Evil, here's a quick slice of the preview:
"Making a return appearance from Doom II is the double-barreled shotgun. To say it packs a kick is something of an understatement. At close range, the double-barrel is a demon-demolition machine. Its only drawback is a slow reload time that is amplified by the need to drop in a fresh set of cartridges after every shot. Used strategically though, the double-barrel simply cannot be beat." And also, for those Mac OS X runners, the DOOM 3 Mac port has finally shipped, but will actually be in stores across the globe in the US and UK on March 19th. So, very soon, will the Mac OS X users be able to enjoy and play DOOM 3 in all its finished glory!
News for Wed, 09 Mar 2005 23:46:01 +0000
Firstly Gamepro have stirred up and posted on the net the very first DOOM 3 Xbox review, scoring it a 4.5/5.5. Here's a paragraph:
"The visual design of the game lends itself perfectly to the horrors of the unknown: stark, flickering lights illuminate vividly rendered environments and cast deep shadows into corners and hallways. The feeble flashlight, accessible by tapping the white button, illuminates the wreckage but replaces your weapon. This forced defenselessness heightens the already anxious mood, and the masterfully mixed soundtrack drives the tension over the edge with subtle, perfectly timed music and effects." Make sure to check out the whole review for the rest of the details.
And also, the very first DOOM movie screenshot (we kid you not) is now online, which can be found here.
News for Wed, 09 Mar 2005 16:41:12 +0000
ComingSoon caught up with the Rock and sat down with him asking him what his role would be in the new DOOM movie - which will be the commanding officer.
** Warning, article contains SPOILERS **
""I'm playing the commanding officer who, without ruining it for everyone, turns bad, which is great. I'm so excited about that movie, I'll tell you why. Number one, it's my first rated-R movie and it's a very unapologetic rated-R movie. Not only that, but the monsters are real, they're not CGI. They're made by Stan Winston who did Jurassic Park and Predator and all that. So the monster's got weight and when they’re in a scene they're like Aliens! I get to transform and become, I'm going to tell you this right now, the BMFOTP. Know what that means? It means the baddest motherf***er on the planet."
News for Tue, 08 Mar 2005 03:13:53 +0000
FiringSquad have tied together a preview of DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil and the DOOM 3 Xbox version in one article, here's a quick slice:
"Resurrection of Evil will finally offer official 8-player support, as well as Capture the Flag. CTF goes quite a way to solving many of the outstanding issues with Doom 3 multiplayer - namely, it forces players to move. Doom 3 was possibly the most camp-friendly game ever, thanks to its loud footsteps and dark maps. With CTF, teams need to move to defend their flags and capture the enemy's, creating frantic action along the map."
News for Sun, 06 Mar 2005 02:23:10 +0000
Macologist have whirled up the first review of the DOOM 3 Mac OS X port ever, rating it a final score of a great 4/5 stars. Here's a snoop of the review:
"The requirements for this game are nothing short of amazing, and may leave many Mac gamers left out in the cold. This fact should not come as a shock though. id Software announced from the very beginning that this game would stress even the most robust of gaming systems on the Windows market. Nothing less should be expected on the Macintosh side." Looking at the benchmark results on [relatively] low-end Mac OS X machines, it comes to no surprise that DOOM 3 is a system hog on the Mac OS X just as much if not more than it is on Windows. Also, make sure to give the whole review a read.
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