News for Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:43:54 +0000
News for Fri, 07 Jan 2005 20:03:18 +0000
"So, like curious humans tend to do, the folks on Earth investigate the signal. This time, the decide to send a team with a leader familiar with the facility and ancient civilization it had been tasked with uncovering. "In the original game, the person that told Swan to come to the Mars base to check out Betruger was Elizabeth McNeil. She was Betruger's research assistant in charge of understanding the ancient civilization. She was basically the whistle blower of the original game. She got booted from Mars by Betruger before the events of the first game, so she's still alive." explained Willits. "She heads up the team that returns to mars to check on this strange signal. Players will take the role of a combat engineer on her team tasked with finding the source of the signal." Gamespot:
"While we weren't able to do any sort of frame-by-frame comparison between the Xbox and the PC versions of Doom 3, the Xbox version of the game looks just about as good as its PC counterpart at a glance. It's also running in widescreen, has support for 480p progressive scan displays, and will have 5.1 Dolby Digital sound, which should help bump up the scare factor a little bit. By and large, this console take on Doom 3 definitely appears to stand up to the PC original, though obviously in a somewhat lower resolution than the PC version is capable of." UPDATE: 1up Xbox preview
"When Xbox Doom 3 was on display at E3 last year, some players complained that the game had slowdown and framerate issues when battles got heated, but in the 30 minutes we spent with the new version of the game, not once did we notice either of these issues appear, and the graphics look as good if not better than they did at E3."
News for Thu, 06 Jan 2005 23:50:43 +0000
Gamespy had the chance to sit down with id Software for a go on DOOM 3's upcoming expansion pack: Ressurection of Evil, summarized up in their newly released article.
"The expansion picks up about two years after the end of DOOM 3. The UAC has covered up everything that happened on Mars (blaming it on a reactor malfunction), cancelled all operations and cleared out. However, their satellites are still orbiting the planet, and when a strange beacon signal is picked up, the decision is made to put together a team and send them down to investigate. And that's where the fun begins." Head on over to the whole thing for the rest of the goodies.
News for Mon, 03 Jan 2005 00:55:45 +0000
Over at Webdog.org John Carmack has updated his .plan file.
Name: John Carmack Email: Description: Programmer Project: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 1, 2005:
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