News for Wed, 28 Dec 2005 20:24:07 +0000
Guardian Unlimited Blogs's Keith Stuart had nabbed the chance to conduct a new interview with John Carmack of id Software, regarding the DOOM RPG, thoughts of Java Programming, limits of CPUs, GPUs, and RAM in working with the original game again, and so on.
"Having worked with mobile gaming and experienced its many limitations, what do you think we can expect from the format in the future? What are the best type of games we can hope for? It is clearly a bad idea to try to just move games from other platforms directly over, but I’m sure we will see a lot of it, especially as the handsets surpass the hardware capabilities of previous generation consoles.
High-end BREW phones aren’t nearly as limited a gaming platform as you might think – they are a lot more powerful than an original Play Station, for example. Java phones, however, are saddled with a huge disadvantage for gaming. With 3D chipsets coming into mobile parts, it won’t be too many evolutionary steps before you can get a cell phone with more guts than an Xbox.
Better input for gaming (analog stick, shoulder buttons, etc) is something that will probably be addressed on some phones, but I am dubious about it changing across the board, so I’m not sure how much of a difference it will make for the platform as a whole. That will remain the largest factor effecting good mobile game design.
It is looking unlikely that network packet latency will dramatically improve in the foreseeable future, but network games could be dramatically improved if interfaces were put in place to allow isochronous circuit switched data for gaming."