News for Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:25:26 +0000
DVDActive have snagged a few premature details of the DVD release of the DOOM movie, including its release date (February 7th, 2006), the unrated edition's special features (three new featurettes exploring the training, weapons, and locations of the DOOM movie, etc), a whole new first person sequence with a 12-minute longer cut than the theatrical one, and of course your standard Dolby Digital 5.1, French, and Spanish surround sound or stereo audio tracks, priced at $29.98.
Head on over to DVDActive for the coverart and further info.
News for Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:31:52 +0000
GameShark have prodded up their impressions of the DOOM movie, scoring it quite a solid B-/A+ grade.
"Tony Pierce did capture some of the important attributes in the game such as the darkness and claustrophobic feel that you got when playing. There was also a thrilling moment that I assume anyone who played the game will get when the movie switches from second to first person, which includes the heavy breathing and everything."
News for Tue, 25 Oct 2005 15:31:19 +0000
Over at Slashdot, John Carmack has posted up his impressions of the DOOM movie:
"I had fairly low expectations, and there were even some plans in palce to guide me away from any press after the premier if I didn't like the movie, so I wouldn't say something "unproductive", but I was pleasantly surprised.
No, it isn't an oscar movie, but it definitely isn't Super Mario Brothers / Street Fighter / Double Dragon.
I do wish they had kept the true satanic / hellish theme, but I think they did a credible job with their alternate direction
John Carmack"
News for Tue, 18 Oct 2005 15:17:05 +0000
FilmForce IGN have whizzed up their new 2-page review of the DOOM movie (plus a whole new slew of post-production images!), treating it with a decent 3/5 star overall score. Here's a good snippet:
"The most divisive part of the film—meaning you'll love it or hate it—is likely to be the first-person shooter sequence that is near the end of the film. In it, Karl Urban's character The Reaper (yes, his last name is Grimm) grabs a gun and the position of the camera shifts to his view. Of course, this is a tribute to the revolution that the game caused: Doom was the game that popularized the perspective that has spawned a widely-copied genre of games. But how does it work in the film? It is easily the coolest and most invigorating sequence Doom has to offer. FPS fans will revel in the knowing nods to the genre. At various points, The Reaper shoots a beast at close range, uses an explosive canister to fry one of the monsters, shoots a weapon out of an enemy's hands, and gets knocked to the ground." If you're hungry for more, head on over to the whole review and give it a read.
10/20/2005 UPDATE: Gamespy have also whipped up their own impressions of the DOOM movie, audaciously proclaiming that: "it isn't bad"!:
"For its part, "DOOM" tries to stay true to its videogame roots. Fans of the series will recognize the names of Carmack and Willits, two scientists also on Mars. The creatures menacing the station were obviously inspired by the designs from DOOM 3, and are brought to life through an effective mix of costume design and CGI. The settings (almost completely indoors) have the same claustrophobic look and feel as the games. And then there's a lengthy sequence shot from a first-person perspective, meant to emulate the look of the game; it doesn't completely succeed, but gets points for trying and drew cheers from the audience several times."
News for Mon, 17 Oct 2005 05:42:54 +0000
Yet another review of the Xbox version port of the DOOM 3 RoE expansion pack has surfaced onto the net, and DailyGame has arrived in order to accordingly endorse the goods.
"The sound and graphics in Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil are entirely the same from Doom 3 on Xbox, but the gameplay has been tweaked to make it more fun and interesting. As a result, if you enjoyed Doom 3 on Xbox, it’s safe to say that this expansion should keep you happy as well.
Resurrection of Evil makes much better use of Doom 3’s physics engine than the first game, with boxes, chairs and even chunks of walls fluttering and falling about. I wouldn’t rate it as highly as the Havok engine used in other games, but it does run a close comparison. The physics, much like in Half-Life 2, have freed the developers to implement some cool gameplay tweaks, including a gravity gun called the Grabber. At first it just feels like a cheap rip-off slapped on there to say “Me too!” but after making your way deeper into the game, you’ll find it invaluable to your survey and a whole lot of fun."
News for Sun, 16 Oct 2005 17:19:01 +0000
Gamespy have coughed up their review of the DOOM 3 RoE Xbox Version Port, rating it a great 4/5 stars.
"The single-player campaign in Resurrection of Evil is every bit as strong as it was in DOOM 3. Once the initial action begins, the plot continues to develop at a good pace. As in the first game, a lot of the story is told via various log entries downloaded into your PDA. When the game does break into a cinematic, it makes great use of the excellent graphics engine, as well as some impressive voiceovers, to put together a solid theatric performance."
News for Sat, 15 Oct 2005 17:25:02 +0000
Firstly, ComingSoon have insnared up an article regarding the special effects of the DOOM movie, check it out.
Secondly, Wired have pulled together a column regarding preminitions of the DOOM movie's very slim chance of success possibly being doomed itself due to the fact that it's a movie based on very popular FPS game franchise with a thin plot and premise, apparently.
Thirdly, CVG have thrown up their impressions of the DOOM movie with some new cast interviews and what not.
Fourthly, IESB have posted up seven new DOOM movie clips harked straight from the finished film itself. Be sure to give them a spin!
And finally, two new free DOOM 3 RoE Xbox version port maps have been unleashed over Xbox Live! as downloadable content known as "Communications" and "Surface", as the official Xbox website has got info up regarding it.
News for Mon, 10 Oct 2005 15:18:11 +0000
TeamXbox have lashed up their 3-page review of the DOOM 3 RoE Xbox Version Port, scoring it an excellent overall 8.5/10.0 rating. Here's a slice:
"The control set for DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil is just like the original Xbox game, and is pretty standard in the FPS world. What stands out about the controller side of DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil is just how many options are available that allow gamers to tweak their experience. Along with custom controller button layout configs, DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil allows modification to things such as crouch type (can be made to hold the crouch until the left thumbstick is clicked again), Aim Assist, and horizontal/vertical look sensitivities. Having a Sprint Look (depressing sprint accelerates look speed) is pretty rad as well."
News for Fri, 07 Oct 2005 23:37:55 +0000
Yep that's right it finally has shipped and should have already appeared on your local electronic gaming store's shelves by now, costing $29.99 (USD) or £19.99 (UK quid), and if you purchase it on this president day while supplies last, you'll get either a free, exclusive extra $5 DOOM movie ticket or a free DOOM movie poster!
*Especially* you die-hard, hardcore DOOM fans out there, don't forget to keep out an eye for it!
News for Thu, 06 Oct 2005 15:29:38 +0000
The official posh flash-based DOOM movie site has finally opened! Exquisitely packed with a variety of features including trailers, TV spots, behind-the-scenes videos, interviews, a story info page, production photos, notes, other cast and crew stuff, wallpapers, and much more!
Make sure to check it out.
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