News for Sat, 20 Sep 2003 00:59:41 +0000
For those who don't know, post-DOOMage is the end result of one of my little projects I've had running, to quote the readme:
"This project (named the Cyberdemon Project, a lot of thought went into the name as you can tell!) was, to put it basically, aiming to enhance the quality of the original DOOM midi soundtracks. I'd thought I'd try a different sound (less of the overdriven and distorted guitars), a much more acoustic sound, guitars and pianos and the like." Anyway the album is of course free for you to download, at the moment we've just got the FilePlanet link. We'll try and have more to follow.
The whole thing is 21 tracks long and lasts 53 minutes and 26 seconds. The file itself weighs in at 45.4MB, and the music is encoded with Ogg Vorbis. I can burn the album onto a CD as CD audio, so it will be better quality, give me a shout and we can try and sort something out. If you've got any comments I'd love to hear them.
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