News for Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:54:10 +0000
OK completely way off-topic but what the hell (isn't much DOOM news at the moment):
In the music world, The Last Days of Summer mini-album has just been released by Aura Sun, no they didn't do any of the Quake or DOOM soundtracks, but it's a good album anyway and worth checking out. They've got a couple of samples on their website too, in MP3 format, why aren't they using Ogg Vorbis?
Deefer6 has added to his Half-Life 2 website, with a Pro Evolution Soccer 3 website, which is being worked on as well [oh yippee].
Some of you might want to check out Campaign for Digital Rights basically they're attempting to defend the CD audio standard from being corrupted by so called 'copy protected' CDs, of which I've just had the pleasure of spending over an hour getting one onto my computer so I can actually listen to it (demonstrating they can't stop people copying or using the discs with a computer, thereby the whole idea is nothing but an annoyance). Boycott corrupted Audio CDs!
Even older items.