News for Sun, 07 Sep 2003 20:13:16 +0000
Yes finally, after many days of waiting (and people nagging me) the seventh chapter of Nik Petsev's DOOM has now been posted up for all to see. If you haven't read any of it yet, make sure to go back to the introduction and get yourself up to speed!
[Update Thursday 11th September, 2003 @ 15:39 BST] Chapter Eight now up, Nine will follow later today.
[Update Friday 12th September, 2003 @ 01:24 BST] A little late but chapter nine is now up!
[Update Wednesday 17th September, 2003 @ 21:18 BST] Chapter ten is now up!
[Update Thursday 18th September, 2003 @ 15:57 BST] All remaining chapters of part two have now been posted up, make sure to head over to the index page.
Even older items.