*NOTE: The following transcript is a fake, it
never happened, thus it is… fake. Totally untrue. I think I already said that…
Anyway, it's a load of BS made for no reason. It is what happens when you drink
10 coffees and a Snickers bar while sitting on the computer. So, don't do drugs
and read on:
It was the 14th of August and our resident Spineless-mush was
to be found at the annual QuakeCon. After 10s upon 10s of decisive battles, and
an impressive mid-air frag that saved his team's flag, Spineless found that
those 9 cokes and his morning coffee could no longer be contained. Still dazed
from the never-ending deathmatch, he rubbed his eyes to clear the lightning gun
still present in his peripheral vision. He snooped around carefully and strafed
into the lavatory while gazing at his health and armour readings. But as usual,
excitement followed him wherever he went. Even in the bathroom.
There stood the great John Carmack. Even as he did his dirty
business in the urinal, there seemed to be a heavenly spotlight shining on him.
Eager for a conversation, Spineless walked up to John Carmack in hopes of
recording the interview that is here, about to ensue:
Spineless-Mush: Hello!
John Carmack: Errr… 00100110100010111101011100010.
SM: Excuse me?
JC: That's "what the hell do you want?" written in binary
SM: I see… Well, I was wondering if I could ask you several questions…
JC: 01010001101...
SM: Not in binary code, if you please.
JC: All right, but be quick; my presence is required in the
data flow that runs through our LAN...
SM: Ok, ok, sure, yeah. So, uh, how's your deathmatch experience at this year's
QuakeCon so far?
JC: Oh, it's wonderful, the way that snippet of electrical
impulses announced the single firing of a rocket in my opponent's computer...
SM: Excuse me, sir, but I don't know how in the hell I'm gonna record this if
you keep on talking like that.
JC: Sorry, I've had a lot of technical issues on my mind
lately, revolving around Doom III and so on…
SM: Oh that's right. Doom III. Well, how's Doom III coming along?
JC: Oh, all right. We've had four units assembled just
From one of the stalls rises the loud sound of defecation followed by an
unearthly smell.
SM: Umm, let's find another spot where we can concentrate better.
SM: So, you we're talking about Doom III, Mr. Carmack. You said something about
the units…
JC (looks startled): Units? What units? Did I say that? Err,
I meant modules. Hehehe, yeah.
SM: Sir, you can talk freely. After all, this conversation never took place and
this whole transcription is a load of BS made to entertain more than anything
JC: Oh all right. Units. Yesterday we inserted Tim Willits'
brain into the main one because its original brain was too… Incompetent to our
high standards.
SM: Sorry, but I still don't understand what the hell is going on.
JC: Our army, you idiot! We are building an army!
SM: An army? But you're a software pro...
JC (looks wildly around): Hahaha! That's the cover up, nice,
isn't it? We're making pretty little games, while in reality, we're building
massive armies of cyberdemons!!!
SM: That's just cheesy, but ok. So what's Doom, Doom II, and now Doom III? Huh?
JC: That's just our cover-up. People think we are programming
pretty little games while in reality we are building an elite army of warriors
namely named 'Carmack's Confederacy'.
SM: Uhhh… ok?
JC: Yes. That's why Doom III is taking so long to finish.
This project began with the original Doom, and it's now nearing its completion
with Doom III. 10 years of hard labour!
SM: Ok, so what's this army for? What are your plans for it?
JC (laughs maniacally): MUAHAHAHAHA! That's just it! Don't
you see, you fool! We are going to pack one of our cyberdemons and send it off
to Valve Software! MUHAHAHAHAHA! Half-Life 2 be damned!!!
SM: Ok… Assuming that what you just said is not due to the Tequila in your hand,
tell me: what's the rest of the army for? I mean, one cyberdemon is enough to do
Valve Software in.
JC (nods vigorously): Yes, yes. But we also have plans to
send some spider masterminds to Electronic Arts.
SM: Why not send a spider mastermind to Valve Software?
JC: The spider masterminds require a bigger box. And Valve
software are further away; those UPS mailing charges would kill us. Meanwhile,
EA are a grenade's throw away… literally. Hehehehe….
SM (rubs his chin, thus doubling the normal amount of intelligence he
continually radiates): Uh, ok? So, what's your motivation behind this?
JC: Oh how I despise HL 2… and 1 for that matter. Stupid
games, ripping off Hollywood movies. And our will to go ahead with this project
only strengthened a few weeks ago when someone from Valve thought it was funny
to send us a face hugger. (Odd gleam in his eyes) But we'll get back at them,
won't we?
SM: They sent you a face hugger?
JC: Yeah, it jumped on Trent Reznor and tried to turn him
into a vicious mutant. Of course, Trent was already like that, so the
face-hugger had no luck. However, Trent got pissed off and left the project.
Said that the damn thing congested his nose for good. I told him to try this new
stuff, Flexonase, it fixes up you fast! (Looks at camera) Should not be taken by
children under the age of 12. Side effects include vomiting, sexual dysfunction,
heart failure, formation of odd masses in one's liver, and death...