News for Wed, 22 Oct 2003 22:19:54 +0000
IGN had a little bit to report on this, following what Todd Hollenshed announced at a recent nVidia Editors' Day. This from John Carmack:
"The game tic simulation, including player movement, runs at 60hz, so if it rendered any faster, it would just be rendering identical frames. A fixed tic rate removes issues like Quake 3 had, where some jumps could only be made at certain framerates. In Doom, the same player inputs will produce the same motions, no matter what the framerate is."
News for Sat, 18 Oct 2003 20:45:54 +0000
Well Let's get rid of this old ....old poll, here's the closing results:
Are you going to upgrade for DOOM? Just have upgraded - 20% You bet, I'll be getting top end hardware when DOOM comes out - 36% My machine can take it as it is - 32% No way man, my GF1 will handle it fine - 7% I'm not getting DOOM - 5%
News for Thu, 16 Oct 2003 19:05:35 +0000
I've noticed over on FilePlanet that in their coming soon section they've got a little DOOM 3 demo section.
Yes it's slow at the moment, too slow.
News for Mon, 06 Oct 2003 10:23:26 +0000
IGN posted another preview a while ago, just noticed we didn't have it. You can see it here. Mostly stuff we've already heard, althought they did mention a 60 frame rate cap.
News for Tue, 23 Sep 2003 14:43:44 +0000
Lots of things to catch up on!
First up those two new screenshots:
Next up a few previews and interviews:
Gamespy have their preview up, here's a snip:
"One of the more entertaining moments of our demo was when Willits attempted to show off the melee abilities of the weapons. As a large monster rushed in, Willits switched to his flashlight by accident, swung it at the creature … and killed it with a blow to the head! According to Willits, you will be able to beat up enemies with your weapons, although the flashlight shouldn't be as effective as it was in this instance." GameArena have an interview and preview.
Last but not least Gamespot have their little preview here's a quick slice:
"We then jumped ahead to a different level, called "Alpha Labs." Here the demonic possession became more and more apparent with what Willits described as "mini-hells." These were small areas in which pulsating flesh and occasionally embedded corpses covered the steely walls of the compound. In this level, we encountered small hordes of demontrites. They were bizarre, spiderlike creatures whose bodies were gaping, upside-down human heads with bony outgrowths that acted as legs. These critters scuttled toward us with surprising speed, and, when destroyed, they tumbled backward with their legs curled up in much the same way that spiders do when tossed into a fire. We also encountered maggots--pale, two-headed, vaguely humanoid creatures with an alarming tendencies to leap extremely fast and far at us from a completely stationary position, like the fiends from the original Quake."
News for Tue, 23 Sep 2003 02:23:46 +0000
Computer and Video Games have just posted up an interview they did with id Software, as well as two new screenshots, here's a slice:
"Are there going to be more open environments as well as the claustrophobic corridor ones we've seen so far?
Hollenshead: We have a few open areas, when you move from one complex to another complex, but we're going for that scary thing and it works better within enclosed spaces.
Doom 3 is all about those dramatic lighting effects. When you go outdoors in Mars, you have a single light source which is a giant sun - so the dramatic and interesting and unique things that you can do in interior locations stand out less. It doesn't really make that much sense to go running around on Mars that much." Make sure to check out the whole interview.
News for Sat, 20 Sep 2003 00:59:41 +0000
For those who don't know, post-DOOMage is the end result of one of my little projects I've had running, to quote the readme:
"This project (named the Cyberdemon Project, a lot of thought went into the name as you can tell!) was, to put it basically, aiming to enhance the quality of the original DOOM midi soundtracks. I'd thought I'd try a different sound (less of the overdriven and distorted guitars), a much more acoustic sound, guitars and pianos and the like." Anyway the album is of course free for you to download, at the moment we've just got the FilePlanet link. We'll try and have more to follow.
The whole thing is 21 tracks long and lasts 53 minutes and 26 seconds. The file itself weighs in at 45.4MB, and the music is encoded with Ogg Vorbis. I can burn the album onto a CD as CD audio, so it will be better quality, give me a shout and we can try and sort something out. If you've got any comments I'd love to hear them.
News for Thu, 18 Sep 2003 18:03:06 +0000
PlanetQuake had the luck to do an interview with Tim Willits, sounds like this was done at QuakeCon, although it has only just been posted up. Here's a snip:
"PQ: But we are going to see it [hell], then?
TW: Yeah, definately. The player goes on a journey. There's the Mars base, then they travel to hell to get what they need, then they come back and things are twisted and warped."
News for Sun, 07 Sep 2003 20:13:16 +0000
Yes finally, after many days of waiting (and people nagging me) the seventh chapter of Nik Petsev's DOOM has now been posted up for all to see. If you haven't read any of it yet, make sure to go back to the introduction and get yourself up to speed!
[Update Thursday 11th September, 2003 @ 15:39 BST] Chapter Eight now up, Nine will follow later today.
[Update Friday 12th September, 2003 @ 01:24 BST] A little late but chapter nine is now up!
[Update Wednesday 17th September, 2003 @ 21:18 BST] Chapter ten is now up!
[Update Thursday 18th September, 2003 @ 15:57 BST] All remaining chapters of part two have now been posted up, make sure to head over to the index page.
News for Sat, 06 Sep 2003 11:53:50 +0000
Another D3 preview that doesn't seem to be on the site, to be found at TotalVideoGames.com.
In other news, a quote from our good friend ruin:
o.O says: he Arceihn says: Who? o.O says: I was gonna type hehehe but a window popped up. Now I'm downloading hehe.exe
News for Thu, 21 Aug 2003 01:13:58 +0000
We'll be posting up a new chapter, every day or so over the next week or however long it takes, of the first parts of Nik Petsev's (aka Spineless-Mush's) massive new work 'DOOM'. This is one hell of a cracker, can you say "new DOOM novel"? First up is the introduction.
It's the first story in our new fan fiction section. Where, umm you can have your own fiction based on DOOM published, erm yeah!
[Update Thursday 21st August, 2003 @ 15:21 BST] Next page (chapter one) has been posted up.
[Update Thursday 21st August, 2003 @ 23:16 BST] Next page (chapter two) has been posted up.
[Update Friday 22st August, 2003 @ 20:06 BST] Next chapter (chapter three) has been posted up.
[Update Saturday 23st August, 2003 @ 01:23 BST] Chapter the fourth has been posted up.
[Update Saturday 23st August, 2003 @ 15:09 BST] Chapter five and chapter six have been posted up.
News for Mon, 18 Aug 2003 20:20:45 +0000
News for Sun, 17 Aug 2003 12:40:17 +0000
Gamespy managed to sit down and have a talk with John Carmack over a number of things, what's next, Quake IV etc.
"GameSpy: Do you see yourself ever straying away from FPS games? John Carmack: Occasionally I desire to do a different kind of game. To a large degree, id Software is a prisoner of its own success. Because we are a single-title company, we have a strong obligation to do something that has relatively low risk." CNN have got a little bit of an article up on DOOM 3.
HomeLan Fed have also got up some photos of some very interesting looking cases from QuakeCon, they also managed to have a few words with Tim Willits.
News for Sat, 16 Aug 2003 22:43:57 +0000
PlanetQuake3.net have got a video up from the key note event at QuakeCon, featuring Todd Hollenshead, Tim Willits, Robert Duffy, and Fred Nilsson. Have yet to download it myself, so not sure of the kind of quality, will let you know. Saw this over on PlanetDOOM.
[Update Sunday 17th August, 2003 @ 04:39 BST]
Watchable quality, audio sometimes a bit hard to pick up, had to tweak the EQ settings a bit to hear some parts of it, but a lot of interesting stuff said.
News for Sat, 16 Aug 2003 19:25:23 +0000
*Please note the following probably did not happen.
It's here, our exclusive interview with John Carmack*, w00t!
"It was the 14th of August and our resident Spineless-mush was to be found at the annual QuakeCon. After 10s upon 10s of decisive battles, and an impressive mid-air frag that saved his team's flag, Spineless found that those 9 cokes and his morning coffee could no longer be contained. Still dazed from the never-ending deathmatch, he rubbed his eyes to clear the lightning gun still present in his peripheral vision. He snooped around carefully and strafed into the lavatory while gazing at his health and armour readings. But as usual, excitement followed him wherever he went. Even in the bathroom." Make sure to check this interview out, it's one like no other.
News for Sat, 16 Aug 2003 18:04:14 +0000
Gamespy manged to have a talk with Tim Willits and Todd Hollenshead here's a slice:
"GameSpy: So, I'm guessing you've been playtesting a lot in the office?
Todd Hollenshead: Yeah, we have been. That's one way you can always make sure that something's fun -- if people are waiting in line at the office to playtest, then you know you've got something that is going in the right direction.
Tim Willits: It's also nice to come here [to QuakeCon], to bring multiplayer to QuakeCon to our fans. This is the world premiere of multiplayer for DOOM 3, so it gives everyone here a good chance to see it, but it also gives us a great opportunity to have 4000 people beta test our deathmatch and get some feedback from it." Also talked to Rick Johnson of Raven about Quake IV.
"GameSpy: So in that year-plus, how has the team been adjusting to working with the new DOOM technology?
Rick Johnson: Probably the most difficult hurdles have been for the art side of the creation, because the engine requires us to create high-poly models for every single texture that goes into the game. That just adds another level of stuff we have to do to get the game out." On the topic of interviews, DOOM 3 Portal has an exclusive interview from QuakeCon, our man Spineless-mush managed to spot John Carmack in the loo and have a chat (or may be he's just lost his mind and dreaming it) well whatever it actually is, interview or a twisted non-reality, we'll have it up in the next few hours. Make sure to check back.
News for Fri, 15 Aug 2003 22:18:11 +0000
HomeLan Fed have posted up a brief overview of the key note speech that id members gave today at QuakeCon, here's a sample:
"Much was made on the planned support for mods in Doom III. Duffy said that nearly everything in Doom III was text file based so that should make it easy for mod makers to pretty much do whatever they want in the game. The game’s development tools will be included in Doom III’s release and Willits said he expected that there will be a ton of mods made for the game in a short period of time.
Willits said that the physics engine for Doom III is a unique id Software engine and is not a licensed engine like other games have. Willits described a Doom III test map where 100 boxes are stacked up and one shot can bring the entire stack down. Willits claimed such a scene would bring other game physics engines down to their knees." Another preview has popped up this time from Telefragged.
Some Quake IV bits have also come up saw this over at PlanetQuake:
"Q: What key features will separate Quake IV from Quake 3?
A: Quake IV is a continuation of Quake 2, back on Stroggos fighting the Strogg in the single player. They are planning different types of gameplay such as vehicles and other elements." Bit more over there head on over for the rest. Todd Hollenshead also indicated that Quake IV would most likely be shown at QuakeCon 2004, adding that Quake 4 and QuakeCon 2K4 sound pretty nice together.
News for Fri, 15 Aug 2003 20:08:52 +0000
Here's another of those multiplayer previews (this is just getting silly), here's a slice:
"Shadows are especially impressive—they're all real-time, based on the actual models. If you reload a weapon in front of a light source, you'll see your shadow do the same. As you move, so does the shadow—and this is especially freaky when you're looking for any movement in the room anyway. Hanging or swinging lights will play further havoc on the room's illumination and the player's shadow. It's a distraction, but a fun one.
The level of detail is simply insane. Remember those screens from a few months ago that looked too good to be true? They're true, and they move. This is mostly due to John Carmack's latest engine, which enables all kinds of new interactions and special effects."
News for Fri, 15 Aug 2003 18:07:29 +0000
More QuakeCon bits and bobs:
Another multiplayer preview this one from IGN:
"You'll find it's much harder to hit your enemies in this game than in the previous ones. No longer does a single hit box surround your opponents. Now all hits have to be scored on the actual polygons of the character models. Todd explains that this is a natural evolution for action games given the increasing skill of players. As they get better, targets have to get smaller to compensate. While fighting you'll find that bullets can pass in between a character's legs or the space between their torso and arms without damaging them. You'll need to be much more accurate now with each of your shots. Still, it's not too hard to score kills, particularly if you're playing against a bunch of journalists operating on two hours of sleep and a three-whiskey breakfast. (To be fair, I came in second and third in most matches, but then I skipped breakfast altogether so...)." The QuakeCon schedule has been updated, id will be doing their key note event later today, hopefully this will involve lots of new info on DOOM 3.
Last up (for now) HomeLan Fed have also got some pictures up of what's been going on at QuakeCon, some interesting cases!
News for Fri, 15 Aug 2003 01:23:23 +0000
My fingers are getting mighty tired! This one from Gamespot:
"The center of the portal also housed the "berserk" power-up item, which, just like in the original Doom, lets you completely obliterate your enemies with a single punch. Considering that many of Doom 3's levels will be more tightly knit (and offer less room to run away) than the larger levels of Doom II, berserk seems much more dangerous, which is apparently why it's also so obvious. Picking up the berserk item causes your character to briefly go insane--you still have complete control of your character, but your screen flashes red, like in the original Doom games, and your character screams at the top of his lungs (which is audible from a distance) and is surrounded with glowing red rings." Nothing majorly new in this preview they seem to think (wrongly, unless they know something we don't) that multiplayer will feature more then just 4 players though, which is news to just about everyone else.
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